YOU define YOU

 *This is a Facebook post I did on 8/1/22.... 16 days before I was about to undergo a life-changing surgery.*

I feel called to say this at this moment as I navigate another round of health issues. This time it is different for me. I aim to rise above it. I know if I feel this, then others must also be on this path seeking guidance and solidarity:

Your illness does not define you.

Your medical diagnosis does not define you. 

Your struggles do not define you.

Your mistakes do not define you.

Your failures do not define you.

Your pain does not define you.

Your family does not define you.

Your circumstances do not define you.

Your bank account does not define you.

Your trauma does not define you.

Your failed relationships do not define you.

Your failed attempts to not define you.

Your PAST does not define you. 

YOU define you with the love you must hold for yourself... And with the dreams you strive to accomplish. You define you. Define yourself in alignment with your soul.

Photo by Ruben Garcia


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