BOOK REVIEW: You Are a Badass At Making Money

I recently finished reading this book. I love the no nonsense, hilarious, direct to the point manner of writing.

The basic premise is that you need to change your mindset about yourself, your relationship with money, and the beliefs that limit you from making the decisions that put you in a better position to make money.

**The most important things I learned reading this book are:

I can do a lot more things in terms of art (and facets related to that career path) to make money than I previously considered. I didn't consider these things because I didn't think I was good enough to do them. Now that I really look at it, I am good enough.... And I can only get better by doing more of those things. 

Someone out there is doing the thing you'd like to do but doing it with all the mediocrity possible, and you are sitting there watching them yearning to do the thing because you can do it better than them. Don't let fear keep you in mediocrity. If they are bold enough to not give a damn and go after the dream, you can also do the same thing. But better. 

Money is a form of freedom. In the most basic sense, I understood this. But when I looked at how money was a source of stress in my life, I realized just how much freedom I was denying myself because of fear.

I can do all the things. I really can. I just have to face the things I'm scared of. I want to write a book. So far I've written an introduction and partial chapter. This scares me. But I started it. I'm facing it. You can do what you want to do as well.

Being a woman and a Puerto Rican certainly presents its set of challenges in terms of the way I'm perceived, but if other people like me have attained monumental success, so can I. So I choose to focus on the "so can I" and not the "I can't because of this."


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