My first post and a meditation
I'll jump RIGHT IN to my first post:
I have recently been reading the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer. Many months ago, I came across a copy of his book, The Power of Intention (highly recommend it). I kept moving this book around my house from pile to pile to pile, until one day I decided to just read it. I had been going through some really difficult things in my life, such as losing my ability to walk properly, and it was sending my depression into depths I didn't know were there. It was truly frightening walking around with a feeling like I was being sucked into nothingness, losing my spirit. Something said, "Open the book." So I did.
I hadn't read books in probably 10 years before I picked up this book and opened its pages, which to me felt like a small miracle because I found that I was able to focus on the reading, and I found my love for books again. Previously, I would fall asleep reading, or I just couldn't focus. I couldn't understand the words. It was as if everything was a different language. It wasn't because the work was not good, it was simply that I was not "all there" in my head. As a result, I learned to hate reading back then.
Upon reading, I also found a deeply renewed love and dedication for the art I make. I decided to dive deeply into my sketchbooks and ideas in order to resolve my physical and mental pain. As a result, I have so many new drawings that will become some of the best paintings I have done to date. I feel in my heart that none of this was an accident. I came to understand my work as a service to others, a service to the world. Please, do not read that as an ego statement, but rather consider the fact that art invokes feeling and contemplation in the soul. I believe that in that realm of contemplation when people experience art, they can find new perspectives, healing, even the ascension of their own mind, opening new "doors of perception", as William Blake so eloquently wrote.
And so today, while working on new sketches for more work (they keep coming to me, and I feel compelled to at least get the basic framework down before I forget it), these few lines of wisdom were consequently also dropped into my consciousness:
"My studio is my Sacred Space, and in this space I am inspired by the Source.
In this space, and in all spaces, I am abundance, peace, and healing in action."
I've written them down to contemplate them by my easel, my favorite spot on planet Earth. I share them with you should you feel like doing the same.
Make the world better.
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